How everything works together


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This is an attempt to cover the working of this tooling. While this is really just a webpack and browser-sync based tooling, there are a few cases we had to consider to make sure it works nicely with WordPress.

Choice of tooling

  • We use webpack as the primary bundler.
  • Browser Sync, along with webpack-dev-middleware acts as the development server.
  • webpack-hot-middleware is used to provide all the HOT MODULE REPLACEMENT (HMR) goodness.
  • babel-loader as the webpack module loader which uses babel under the hood to compile modern JavaScript/Typescript code.
  • sass-loader, postcss-loader, autoprefixer along with mini-css-extract-plugin to handle CSS/SASS/SCSS source.

Everything fits in together when we pass the middlewares to browsersync.

But there are a few things we have to keep in mind so that webpack and WordPress play good together.

Multiple webpack compiled assets

It is possible to have multiple webpack compiled assets. So output.jsonpFunction needs to be unique.

Runtime publicPath (dynamic)

Unlike standalone applications, we do not have definite control of where our assets are served from. It resides inside plugin or theme directory. So output.publicPath has to be set during runtime. We also need a way to tell webpack in a conflict free way about this publicPath.

During development

In development server, we shouldn’t set publicPath dynamically, rather have it set to the plugin or theme output directory, considering WordPress is installed at root. This is needed to make webpack-hot-middleware work.

In case if the URL to the outputPath directory is not something like http://host.tld/wp-content/plugins/<slug>/<outputPath>/, then we have an option distPublicPath which we can mention under wpackio.server.js file to define the URL path. For example, if your WordPress dev server is serving from http://localhost/wp-one, then you can pass /wp-one/wp-content/plugins/<slug>/<outputPath>/.

There could be multiple webpack compiler (depending on wpackio.project.js), but to keep things fast, we are passing only one instance of webpack-dev and webpack-hot middleware. So we need to make sure:

We achieve this by having only one dist or outputPath in our config and pointing publicPath towards it. Then in the actual output.filename of webpack, we use sub-directory separator, like

const outputFilename = `${}/[name].js`;

This gives us conflict free configuration for any number of webpack compiler.

During production

During production, we don’t make any assumptions at all. The reason is the same, we can not know if

  1. WordPress is installed in root or not.
  2. Whether wp-content, plugins and/or themes directory has been changed or not.

So what we do instead is, we provide webpack runtime dynamic pubicPath by setting __webpack_public_path__ variable.

If you want to know more about how publicPath works together with the PHP library read this concept note.

Single runtime for different entrypoints

While different webpack compiler instances are separated by different output.jsonpFunction there’s still one thing we need to consider.

There should be only one runtime for every chunks. If we put multiple runtimes then the execution will be slower and there could be some race condition, overriding our dynamic imports.

This is handled by telling webpack to split the runtime through a common chunk and then enqueueing it only once, using our PHP library.

Enqueue common chunks only once

Say we have the following configuration for files.

module.exports = {
	// ...
	files: [
			name: 'app',
			entry: {
				main: './src/app/main.js',
				mobile: './src/app/mobile.js',

Here it is very much possible, depending on our dependency graph that both main and mobile ends up using similar libraries. With the optimization in effect, webpack will create a common chunk for it, say main~mobile~vendor.js.

Now if we were to enqueue both main and mobile in the same page, then we should take care that main~mobile~vendor.js is enqueued exactly once.

This is again handled by

  1. Telling webpack to optimize using SplitChunksPlugin.
  2. Generating unique wp_enqueue $handle through our PHP library.

In the background it just works, conflict free, thanks to the approach.

Generate webpack config

Keeping all these things in mind, the whole webpack configuration is created on the fly. I have tried to provide the best possible sane defaults, so that you don’t need to fiddle with the config. But if you want to, then it is only a

module.exports = {
	// ...
	files: {
		name: 'app',
		entry: {
			main: './src/main.js',
		webpackConfig: (config, merge, appDir, isDev) => {
			return merge(config, {
				// additional config

away. But be extremely careful when doing this. If you fiddle with config.entry and config.output, you will probably break stuff. In most of the cases, you will never need to change those.

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